Therapy for the anxious and perfectionists

Therapy for Women in Philadelphia and online in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, and Vermont

You work hard to keep it together in front of everyone else, but internally you feel like you’re drowning

Are you looking for support with managing anxious thoughts, perfectionistic tendencies or just not feeling like yourself? Maybe you are looking to process traumatic events, family dynamics, or low self-worth. You have tried to talk to your friends or family about it, but feel dismissed or maybe you don’t tell them everything weighing on you out of fear of being judged.

You have tried various methods to find relief

But you’re still feeling…

Like you can’t calm your mind or let your mind and body relax

Fearful of disappointing others and struggle to uphold boundaries

Like you are your own worst critic and struggle to not second-guess yourself

Disconnected from others and feeling alone in this phase of life

Therapy for Women can address many challenges of life…

  • Anxiety can take over all aspects of your daily life and make everyday choices feel like a mental battleground. You may find yourself feeling exhausted, irritable, overwhelmed, and disengaging. You are living for your days off and even those aren’t as rejuvenating as you had hoped. You like when things are predictable and familiar, but curveballs keep getting thrown your way. Whether you have always identified as someone who tends to be on the more anxious side or these feelings arose more recently, we will explore the roots of the uneasiness, explore new ways to relate to your thoughts, practice tuning into your body in a safe way, and build confidence for moving forward. You’re ready to stop the worry spiral and be more present. Therapy for anxiety can help you get unstuck, approach your emotions with more compassion and create more brainspace for new experiences. In a world that constantly demands your attention, learning to be present can be a powerful tool.

  • Life is always changing and adjusting to the new, whether expected or not, can be HARD. You usually like stability because predictable feels safe, I get it! When life feels rocky, therapy can be a space to foster safety and connection. Whether its a break up, move, new relationship, new job, or a curveball you never saw coming, with support and guidance you can manage this time better than you had imagined. You can feel empowered to embrace the change, find balance and thrive.

    If you are experiencing the life transition of pregnancy, click here to learn more about Therapy for pregnancy.

    Click here to learn more about Therapy for postpartum depression or anxiety.

  • Depression can be overwhelming and debilitating. It can also be sneaky and show up in ways that just makes everything feel a little harder. Some signs you might be struggling with depression are lack of motivation, lack of enjoyment in things you used to enjoy, irritability, fatigue, feelings of hopelessness, numbness or tearfulness. It can also show up as physical pain like headaches. Maybe you are experiencing loneliness or unfulfilling friendships. Depression is a complex experience that is real and treatable. Together we will explore the roots of these feelings, work to implement skills that combat the behavioral aspects, and foster fulfilling connections that lift you up.

  • Do you find yourself pushing others away when deep down all you want is connection? Or maybe you struggle to open up to others and crave close relationships, but can’t seem to find fulfillment or find yourself stuck in the same kind of relationships that aren’t serving you. Maybe you already identify with an anxious or avoidant attachment and are ready to explore the roots of these patterns and take steps to a more secure attachment style.

  • Trauma can be significant distressing events, a series of repeated events over time and significant relationships and losses in life. Trauma can have immediate and/or delayed impacts on our beliefs about ourselves, the world, our nervous system, and physical health. Maybe you thought you were past some experiences but are noticing the emotional scars of them showing up in your life today. Trauma therapy using evidenced-based practices can help you reconnect to yourself, establish a sense of safety and trust in yourself and make adaptive shifts in your life.

  • To learn more about Therapy for Body Image or Therapy for Eating Disorders, click here.

You Long for lasting change, but aren’t sure where to start

Counseling for Women can help you thrive into the empowered individual you have always envisioned

Maybe you are doing your best to navigate anxiety, burnout, the heavy mental load, a breakup or a loss, but its feeling like too much. Maybe you are realizing your family of origin has had a bigger impact on you than you realized and are looking to break the generational patterns.

In today’s world with social media, it is easy to fall into the trap of comparison and self-doubt. You are probably your own worst critic. That critic part has probably served you in pushing you to prove the doubters wrong and be successful in your career but you’re noticing it can also hold you back at times or comes with chronic stress and headaches. The feeling of not being good enough is painful and all too common. You’re working hard, but feel like there is always more to do.

I am so glad you are here. Navigating life is stressful enough, you don’t have to do it alone. As a millennial female therapist, I understand many of these experiences and deeply empathize with the challenges women are facing today and know just how important it is to prioritize your mental health.

I truly adore my work in supporting people like you who are wanting better for themselves. I want to understand how you got to where you are today. Each individual has unique circumstances, experiences, and qualities that make you who you are. I want to know all parts of you, even the parts you struggle to face as well as the tremendous strengths and dreams you have for yourself.

In our work, we will explore and work through not only your symptoms, but underlying themes. This might include processing trauma, utilizing mindfulness and self-compassion techniques, exploring the challenges of and practicing setting boundaries, fostering fulfilling connections and exploring relational patterns, exploring values, identifying and challenging limiting beliefs, practicing assertiveness, and tuning into your body.

I believe you are the expert on yourself and that you have the capabilities within you to heal, sometimes though, we need guidance and authentic connection to access that, that’s where I come in.

transformation is possible

Therapy for Women can help you…

Feel more at ease and confident in yourself and let the self-doubt fade away

Better understand and embrace yourself, your triggers, values, and strengths

Foster and strengthen meaningful and fulfilling relationships

Trust your intuition and find freedom from distressing thoughts

Connect to yourself and emotions in a more compassionate way

I feel strongly women deserve specialized and quality care, which has led me here! Together we will explore the messy parts of life as well as the parts you are proud of and want to continue to foster!

At the end of the day, I want you to know:

Therapist Paige Thompson providing therapy for women in Pennsylvania

How will I Help?

I understand that dealing with anxiety, depression and transitions can be overwhelming, affecting various aspects of your life. As a therapist specializing in providing modern therapy for women, I’m here to offer you unwavering support in your journey. My first priority will be building an authentic and strong relationship with you since this is the most important factor in the effectiveness of therapy.

My approach is rooted in evidence-based techniques, tailored to your unique needs. Together we will work on identifying triggers, developing regulation skills, and relating to your emotions in a more adaptive way that allows you to experience them but not be controlled by them. You will gain a deeper understanding of yourself, where these intense emotions come from and how to show yourself compassion while implementing skills to respond in more effective ways.

Therapy is more than just managing symptoms, its about reclaiming your sense of self. I am here to guide you every step of the way.

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If you would like to schedule a consultation call or discuss any questions you may have regarding therapy for women, reach out via the contact form and I would love to connect further.

Your story is welcome here.

Your story is welcome here.